Mergant Health in Fairfax, VA

Doctor-Owned and Patient-Focused

We’re Driven to Merge Healthcare and Dentistry

Mergant Health sees dental and health care differently. We keep it simple and down-to-earth, operating a doctor-owned business.

We like to think we’re the opposite of a private equity firm coming in and telling you how to do your job when they’ve never actually worked in the field or know what it takes to succeed there. Our purpose starts with patients and healthcare first, without the interest of shareholders.

We’re not a group of C-Suite managers looking at the bottom line. We’re medical professionals like you who care about patients.

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The History of Mergant Health

Learn About How Mergant Health Was Made

Mergant Health was created by Dr. Taimour Raja in 2018 as a dental management company, with the name that symbolizes the merging of healthcare and dentistry for the overall health of their communities. As we were growing businesses throughout Northern Virginia and Maryland, we learned that a significant amount of multi-location practices were being operated under disorganized umbrella companies and were unhappy and under-supported.

Dr. Raja knew he could do it better and more successfully. He formed an impressively talented team that has the experience and services to support the buying and selling of dental and other healthcare offices. Feel confident that Mergant Health has everything covered and understands what it takes to take over your business and run it well.

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Practice Management Solutions

Accessible, Patient-Centered, Comprehensive, and Coordinated Care

Mergant Health is committed to being a leader in integrative medicine. We have a proven track record of excellence with managing dental operations and have embarked on creating a unique integrated healthcare practice where patients not only benefit from our trusted dental services, but have the option to seek primary care, optometry, mental health, and diet/nutrition services as well.

This is the endeavor to create a true medical home where patients can expect accessible, patient-centered, comprehensive, and coordinated care. We’re working hard to hybridize the model to get dental care and overall healthcare in the same place.

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Our Care Philosophy

Primary Healthcare and Dental Care Under One Roof

The purpose of Mergant Health is to change the way dentistry is delivered. We want to be able to merge dental and primary care into one facility, aiming to bridge the gap that currently exists between primary care providers and dentistry. Our official mission statement that we all aspire to every single day we’re in the office is “to create an exemplary healthcare organization by redefining primary care to include dentistry, optometry, and mental health so that we can improve the lives of our patients through prevention.” The more we can all work together, the better wellness experience we can provide for a lifetime of improved oral and overall health.

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